Wisdom from the Word

Wisdom from the Word #8 - 12/08/2023

Speak Jesus

Romans 1:15a
Tonight is the start of the 32nd Annual Singing Christmas Tree. Some 800 people will come each night to hear Christmas music and worship the Lord with us. The theme this year is “Speak Jesus.”  What does it mean to speak Jesus? Well, that’s easy. Jesus said we are to go into all the world proclaiming the Good News, that Jesus saves.
The world, since Covid, has changed dramatically. Every day some new group starts shouting against what they see as unjust or racist. Those words get tossed around all too frequently and most often without merit. Today, the church is increasingly under attack for taking a biblical stand on cultural issues that are in opposition to God’s Word.
How is a Christian to live in such a world that is so filled with hatred of God and His people? How can we speak Jesus without causing discord? Romans 1:15a says we should be “eager to preach the gospel.” The Apostles all died for their faith in Jesus Christ and for the defense of Christianity. Preaching (sharing) the Gospel has never been easy. We should not think it will be any different for us today.
European countries are working on passing laws  that will outlaw the Bible because some in government see it as divisive, racist, and outdated. It is interesting to know that the Bible has always been relevant to every generation. People are all still sinners, so what the Bible teaches about sin still applies. The Bible says the wages of sin is death. That will never change. Praise be to the Lord, He wrote, “BUT, the gift of God is ETERNAL LIFE!” (emphasis added).
This is Christmas. Christians around the world are celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Soon we will celebrate His death on the cross and His resurrection. We have GOOD NEWS to tell the world. Our responsibility is to Go and Tell. God will do the rest.
Come enjoy the sounds of the season through the Singing Christmas Tree and learn how you can Speak Jesus this Christmas to all those you know and meet.
Merry Christmas!


1 Comment

Ginnie - December 9th, 2023 at 11:19am

Excellent devotional for today.