Wisdom from the Word

Wisdom from the Word #1 - 4/23/2023

One Path, One Trajectory, One Purpose, One Goal: Be Faithful

Any change in a system, organization, group, or family can bring either great concern or great excitement. People in general don’t like change. The interesting thing about that idea is that we all changed something to get where we are today, and we will change something else to get where we will be tomorrow. It may be small, incremental change, or it may be fast and abrupt and big. Either way, we all change something within our life circumstance or direction for better or for worse.
Paul wrote to the church at Thessalonica to settle their spirit regarding the abrupt change to their time together. He expresses his thanks for them as they remain faithful to what they have been taught. When change is about to happen in our lives it is important to stop and assess the purpose and function of the change and how to best embrace it for our good. Paul commended the church for their FAITHFULNESS during adversity. The easiest thing for this small group of believers to do would have been to abandon ship and return to Law of works that could not save them.
A dear friend of mine named Ruby (from a previous church) was passing away and her daughter asked if I would officiate her funeral. It was a high calling to walk beside this family during this time in their lives. Several years earlier Ruby attended a Bible study group I was teaching in which I used the term “enhancement” in an illustration to ease the tension the word “change” can bring. Enhancement seemed more palatable and exciting. My friend Ruby was having nothing to do with semantics. She exclaimed, “I don’t like change!” I couldn’t fool her with my word choice. As I visited Ruby for the last time there in a Hospice facility, I entered the room quietly and whispered her name as I reached for her hand. She opened one eye and smiled at me then she said, “I’m about to get my ‘enhancement!’”
Family, change is inevitable. Change happens. Nearly 330 billion cells change in our bodies daily! About every 30 days, 30 trillion cells are replaced in your body making you a new you! So, you are not the same person today that you were yesterday. You changed overnight!  That’s a bit of a stretch to the analogy, but you get the point. You are the same person foundationally, but you are different inside as new cells are generated that enhance your wellbeing and health.
As a church family we find ourselves facing changes that no one wants. The primary reason is fear of the unknown. We all hear the questions swirling: “Who will lead us?” “What will the vision be of our next pastor?” “What changes will he bring?”  The truth is those are all the wrong questions we should be asking. The Word of God remains the same. We have been taught His truth well over these years. People come and go. God’s Word remains. Our calling is to remain FAITHFUL. We must remain faithful in attendance both in Sunday school and worship. We must remain faithful in praying for our future pastor and his family and for one another. We must remain faithful in serving. We must remain faithful in giving. We must remain faithful in loving one another. And it goes without saying, we must remain faithful in GOING to the ends of the earth with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ with our prayers, our person, and our purse. The question we must all be asking is, “Will I be found FAITHFUL?”
Family, my prayer for us as a body of believers is that we will show the community and one another what it means to be faithful in times of “enhancements” so the name of Christ will be honored, proclaimed, and glorified! So be praying. Join us for our Concert of Prayer in the Sanctuary on Wednesday, May 3 at 6:00 PM. This will be a wonderful time of strengthening our church family and building up one another in the Name of Jesus as we, together, travel this road called Enhancement!

Post by: Associate Pastor Keith Wall

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Josh Baker - April 23rd, 2023 at 1:55pm

Thanks for the word, Keith. I'm praying daily for First Baptist Church (i.e., the community and faithful people therein) and can't wait to be back home with y'all in a few weeks!

Wilma Shelley - April 24th, 2023 at 6:17pm

Thank you, Pastor Keith!

Julie Casselman - April 25th, 2023 at 6:42am

Thanks for the word of encouragement AND faithfulness. Praying for the church present and future. Praying for God's wisdom, guidance, and the man he chooses to be our shepherd to lead us.

Ryan Marsh - April 26th, 2023 at 8:12am

Great reminder and insight Keith. "The road to enhancement". I like it! Praying for our church!